Friday, January 25, 2013

Now Enrolling for 2013-14 School Year

I can't believe it's already time to start enrollment for next school year.  Yet, we're half way through our current year of school and it's time!  I'm so excited to be opening my own preschool this year.  Thank you for your interest and confidence in me! I promise that your preschooler will be in good, safe, knowledgeable hands!  Please contact me with any questions you may have!
Thank you!

Now Enrolling for 2013-14 School Year

Located in the Lehi Parkside Neighborhood

3 year-old class $65/month
Tuesday/Thursday 9:45-11:45am

4 Year-Old Class $85/month
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 12:45-3:00pm

One time $30 non-refundable Application/ Field Trip Fee to hold your spot.

For more information:
Call…801.768.1446  or

Taught by: Amy Woolery
10 years Elementary Teacher Experience
2 years Preschool Teacher Experience
4 Years Mom Experience :)


  1. I'm pretty sure I'm already on your list, but just in case, put Savannah in the 3 year old class!

    1. OF couse!! I'm so excited to get to know Savannah better! Message me your email and I can send you the enrollment form and letter! If you know of anyone else, let them know about my school. I still have some room left! my email is
